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About us

Our vision

CalviàVet was founded in 2012 by Juan José and Anna. Their combined vision was to create a veterinary centre to provide the highest standards of veterinary care in a friendly environment, free from stress for clients and their pets. 

CalviàVet Veterinary Clinic is the culmination of many years of  experience gained whilst working in numerous veterinary centres and hospitals both in the UK and in Mallorca.

The strong bond between pets and their owners is always foremost in our minds. Every pet receives professional, honest and compassionate care at CalviàVet, with the best available treatments, both preventative and curative.

All members of staff speak fluent English and Spanish.

The Veterinary Team

Dra. Anna Pink MRCVS 

Anna was born in South Africa and attended the prestigious veterinary faculty of Onderstepoort at the University of Pretoria. After graduating in 1997, she moved to work in the UK where she developed a special interest in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, working in a variety of busy practices close to London for 10 years where she gained a wide range of experience.

After meeting and marrying Juan, they decided to move to Mallorca in 2007 where they now live with their two sons, 2 cats and a guinea pig. 

Dr. Juan José Fernández DVM

Juan comes from Zaragoza where he studied for his veterinary degree until his final year which he completed at the University of Glasgow in 1995. Staying in the UK, he worked in many excellent hospitals and clinics, becoming Head Vet of a hospital in Surrey, directing their veterinary team. His special interest is in Orthopaedic and Soft Tissue Surgery and he has attended numerous courses, training programmes and apprenticeships in referral hospitals in the UK. After 13 years, he decided to move to live in Mallorca with Anna.

Dra. Fernanda Canoura DVM

Fernanda nació en Buenos Aires, aunque se trasladó a Mallorca con su familia con dos años de edad. Estudió la carrera de veterinaria en Barcelona, en la UAB (Universtat Autònoma de Barcelona) donde se graduó en 2005 tras realizar una estancia de un año en l´École nationale vétérinaire d´Alfort. En 2006 se trasladó a Jersey durante 6 meses para trabajar en la Durrell Wildlife Trust. Finalmente decidió seguir su camino profesional en la clínica de pequeños animales, a la que se dedica con pasión desde finales del 2006, con especial interés en la medicina interna y la medicina felina. Ha asistido a numerosos cursos, jornadas y congresos en estos ámbitos tanto en España como en el extranjero. Es miembro de Avepa y de Gemfe.. Es una apasionada de la naturaleza y la música.

The Auxilliary Team

Daniela Sartorio
Rebeca Estévez
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Lorena García
Ana Elisa Vidal
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